Changes from release 4.1.0 to 4.1.1: 1. Added the getmycourses Ajax function (list courses, instructors and course calendars for a user). On 6/28/2013. Serge. Files: wasAjax.php, wassUtil.class.php, wassParms.class.php, wass.xsd 2. Added "Your Course Instructor Calendars" section on the Make Appointment page. Can hide/show this section. On 7/26/2013. Kelly. Files:, styles.css 3. Added "or calendar title" to info message on Make Appointment page. On 7/28/2013. Kelly. Files: 4. Removed all references to AJAXURL and AJAXSCHEMAROOT. On 8/7/2013. Kelly. Files: ajax.js, calendarheader.js,,,,,,,,, mobile/views/, mobile/views/_header.php 5. Put a box around the different sections on manage calendars page. On 8/7/2013. Kelly. Files: 6. Made the "Make Appointment" link more prominent on the Make an Appointment page. On 8/7/2013. Kelly. Files: styles.css, 7. Added "Find my course instructor calendars" to the mobile site. On 8/7/2013. Kelly. Files: (in mobile directory) makeappt.php, makeapptview.js, custom.css, controller.js, ajax.js, course.js 8. Changed the wording of the link to the mobile site on the login page. On 8/8/2013. Kelly. Files: (NOT mobile directory) 9. Removed reference to AJAXURL and AJAXSCHEMAROOT in install.php. On 8/9/2013. Serge. Files: install.php 10. Updated design of course calendars. On 8/28/2013. Kelly. Files:, styles.css 11. Fixed a bug in date comparison function. On 8/29/2013. Kelly. Files: global.js 12. Changed some old code "eval()" calls because getting some "octal" errors. On 9/11/2013. Kelly. Files: ajax.js, styles.css, calendar.js, drawcalendar.js, global.js, 13. Added a warning pop-up message to the group calendar checkbox on the calendar setup page. On 9/18/2013. Kelly. Files: 14. Added code to install.php to have the nossl parameter set through call-backs to the script. On 9/25/2013. Serge. Files: install.php 15. Fixed call in wassBlock to wassUtil::timetomins (should be timetomin): On 9/26/2013. Serge. Files: wassBlock.class.php 16. Fixed incorrect path to global.js and css file in admin scripts. On 9/26/2013. Serge. Files: calendar.php,,, mailusers.php 17. Removed reference to "mediacheck.js" in On 9/26/2013. Kelly. Files: mobile/views/ 18. Updated the block page - bug with midnight as start or end time. Fixed - still can't have midnight as end time, though. On 12/3/2013. Kelly Files: The following changes made POST 4.1.1 distribution to sourceforge. 19. WASS was not sending email to calendar owners when the calendar had a memeber who also wanted notifictaions/reminders. On 01/07/2014. Serge Files: wassAppointment.pag.php (function notify()) 20. Changed to use wassUtil::getParm rather than directly referencing wassParms in preparation for 4.1.1 upload (which will not have the instructor code capability). On 2/26/2104. Serge Files: 21. Updated code for window.location.origin to account for IE unable to access that variable (showing "undefined" in direct URL for calendar). On 4/18/2014. Kelly. Files: calendarheader.js 22. Fixed bug with error handling in ajax.js to return null instead of "" from parseMessage. On 5/23/2014. Kelly. Files: ajax.js