Changes from release 4.0.1 to 4.1.0: 1. Calendar Setup page: instead of "graying out" the group calendar checkbox after the calendar has already been created, I put a "Yes" or "No" for the display. On 9/27/2012. Kelly. Files: 2. Block iCal stream: upadted the iCal stream for blocks to include the actual block description and title, if they exist. On 10/5/2012. Serge. Files: wassIcal.class.php 3. Fixed bug in listManagedids: was using "explode" instead of "implode" to generate a list. On 10/8/2012. Serge. Files: wassManager.class.php 4. Added ability to subscribe to a calendar is RSS format. On 10/12/2012. Serge. Files: wassRss.class.php,, 5. Added a call to wordwrap to wrap email lines at 70 characters when generating appointment confirmation email. All of WASS needs to be modified to do this. On 01/02/2013. Serge. Files: wassAppointment.class.php 6. Added the ability to put a URL parameter block_ownerid for to show only blocks for a given block owner, mainly for group calendars. On 1/22/2013. Kelly. Files: ajax.js, calendar.js, viewcalendar.js, wassAjax.php,, wass.xsd 7. Added display of the last entered date to the calendar.php admin script. On 2/4/2013. Serge. Files: calendar.php (in admin sub-directory). 8. Moved jquery and jquery mobile libraries to be hosted on our servers - there were issues with IE and Chrome in some cases. On 2/6/13. Kelly. Files: mobile/views/_header.php, myapptsview.js, mobile/views/css/, mobile/libraries/jquery-1.8.2.min.js, 9. Put "autocomplete=off" into the search input fields on the Make an Appointment page. On 2/8/13. Kelly. Files: 10. Added the ability to mail all of the appointment holders on a given block. On 3/5/13. Kelly. Files: block.js, mailto.gif 11. Added a login page for LDAP users as well as guest login. On 4/24/13. Kelly. Files:, logout.php