Changes from release 2.0.8 to 3.0.0: 1. . Re-structured WASS directory paths to support hosting mof multiple WASS systems. wassParms.class.php and wassLocal.class.php were moved up to the root directory, and all other code was moved to a "wass" sub-directory. Files: all files that reference wassParms or wassLocal were updated to reflect new location of these files (the autoload script now checks for wassParms or wassLocal and dereferences them appropriately). The new directory structure is as follows: htdocs directory local-directory (e.g., princeton) ... optional level; .htaccess wassParms.class.php wassLocal.class.php wass directory admin directory ajax directory blackboard directory CAS directory classes directory pages directory WASS.DOC WASS.pdf wass.xsd Note that htdocs can point directly to the level that includes the wass directory, or to an intervening directory level. 2. If COURSELIM or USERLIM in wassParms is set to 0, block page does not load properly (slot size list is not set). Fixed to account for 0 sized course and user lists. On 8/24/2010. Kelly. Files: global.js